Viale Aldo Moro 44 Monopoli BA
Orari di aperturaLun - Ven: 9.00 - 19.00
Crea il tuo Preventivo
Viale Aldo Moro 44 Monopoli BA
Orari di apertura Lun - Ven: 9.00 - 19.00
Viale Aldo Moro 44 Monopoli BA
+39 338 1437 229

Dettagli Progetto

Buongiorno Italians

Buongiorno Italians

A lover of the taste of tradition

There is no better saying for him than “We are what we eat” & Roberto loves home cooked food, local recipes handed down from his grandmother to his mother,& an authentic regional taste. In Puglia he grew up on milk,panzerotti & bonded with popular street food. Festivals & celebrations are very strong in him. He has a degree in History & a Masters in Food & Wine. He has also founded The Apulian Club! A gourmet association created to defend and promote Apulian culinary traditions. In recent years he has dedicated himself to creating gastronomic and oenological experiences. Driving his old Fiat 500 between dry stone walls and old farmhouses, to rediscover the typical flavors of Apulia.

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